Spittal Improvement Trust


Welcome to the website for Spittal Improvement Trust and Spittal Community Centre.
Spittal is situated at the mouth of the River Tweed acrosss the water from Berwick-Upon-Tweed and had a long history as a fishing village and location for a number of manufacturing operations.


About SIT

Spittal Improvement Trust's aims are to carry out project works in an effort to halt the further decline in our local facilities, improve the environment we live in and to raise community spirit by holding events.


Contact SIT


Thank you for visiting this page, we are always happy to received feedback, comments and suggestions.

Please feel free to get in touch with us to discuss any aspects of this website, the work we do, events, or any ideas you might have.

We would also welcome anyone who might be interested in supporting the Spittal Improvement Trust or the community, we value your input.

Please email us at info@spittalisgreat.co.uk
You can also find us on
Facebook - here
Twitter account - @spittalisgreat.
We are also on Instagram at spittalisgreat.

We look forward to hearing from you.

The Spittal Improvement Trust Team
Mau Watkins, Chairman
Mike Greener, Secretary


Secret Spittal Books


There are currently 3 Secret Spittal books published telling the history and anecdotes from the village and are availalbe in Spittal Food Store and at Grieve's The Stationers in Berwick town centre.

Spittal Community Centre

About the Community Centre


Originally St Paul's Church and most recently Berwick United Reform Church the building has been leased since February 2023 by SIT with the intention to create a community centre with facilities that can be utilised by various groups, businesses and individuals.
The Centre has three distinct rooms which can be booked individually or together depending on the event/activity being held.
The Middle Street Hall is ideal for the likes of fitness activities, coffee mornings or groups requiring larger space.
The Auditorium is ideal for hosting musical events, exhibitions, services, etc.

The Aidan Room is ideal for smaller meetings or group activity. 


Please consider nominating us for the chance of a £1,000 award -  click the link below

Latest News

The Point 119

December edition of The Point now published.

Point number 120 is out now and can be viewed via the link below:
The Point December Edition.

The Point 119

November edition of The Point now published.

Point number 119 is out now and can be viewed via the link below:
The Point November Edition.

Crowdfunder created for clock mechanism.

We have launched a fundraiser to replace the near 100 year old clock mechanism in the former St Paul's Church.
The current workings are close to the end of their useful life and the new set up will be automated winding rather than manual twice weekly winding as at present.
If you can help please follow the link and donate:

October edition of The Point now published.

Point number 118 is out now and can be viewed via the link below:
The Point October Edition.

September edition of The Point now published.

Point number 117 is out now and can be viewed via the link below:
The Point September Edition.

August edition of The Point now published.

Point number 116 is out now and can be viewed via the link below:
The Point August Edition.

July edition of The Point now published.

Point number 115 is out now and can be viewed via the link below:
The Point July Edition.

June edition of The Point now published.

Point number 114 is out now and can be viewed via the link below:
The Point June Edition.

May edition of The Point now published.

Point number 113 is out now and can be viewed via the link below:
The Point May Edition.

April edition of The Point now published.

Point number 112 is out now and can be viewed via the link below:
The Point April Edition.

March edition of The Point now published.

Point number 111 is out now and can be viewed via the link below:
The Point March Edition.

Spring Coffee Morning


The Spring Coffee morning will be held in the Spittal Community Centre Hall on Middle Street on Saturday March 23rd fronm 10am-12pm.
Coffee, Tea, Cakes, Easter Egg Tombola, Raffle, etc..

March 23rd 10am-12pm

April 5th - Night Of Guitars


This promises to be a night of fiery guitar playing from the
duo Solea, and renowned classical guitarist Stewart Kelly.
Get ready to be blown away by the electrifying performances
of three of Scotland's most talented guitarists. Solea will be playing tracks from their new album "Sketches" and Stewart
Kelly will perform a solo set of classical music. After the interval, the trio will then come together to perform a set for the evening’s finale.
Tickets are now on sale on Eventbrite. You can book now by
using the QR Code on the poster or by going to this link:

April 5th 7pm

April 12th - Fool's Gold - Old King Coal

 Carol and Steve’s new show ‘Old King Coal’ is an
unashamedly nostalgic retrospective of life in the North of England in days gone by. The stories and songs are a mixture of well-known and original and all feature the fascinating stories and histories you didn't know that hide behind them. And it's not all about coal either. Places, events, and characters of the North all rub shoulders with tales of the pit.
As with all Fool's Gold shows, Old King Coal is a mixture of live acoustic music played on a range of instruments, featuring the amazing stories and histories that created the songs, all backed by projected images. The songs are both original and very well- known. There's plenty for audiences to identify with and join in with, audience participation is always a big part of their shows! There are funny moments and much more poignant tales too, but there is always something for everyone.

Tickets are now on sale on Eventbrite. You can book now by
going to this link: https://shorturl.at/bdqY7.
Tickets will also be available in the Spittal Food Store from Monday 26th February.

.April 12th 7.30pm

March 16th - Indoor Car Boot Sales


There will be a monthly indoor car boot sale held in the Middle Street Hall on the following dates:

January 20th 10am-1pm

February 17th 10am-1pm

March 16th 10am-1pm

April 20th 10am-1pm

The Point 108

January edition of The Point now published.


Point number 110 is out now and can be viewed via the link below:
The Point January Edition.

The Point 108

December edition of The Point now published.


Point number 109 is out now and can be viewed via the link below:
The Point December Edition.

The Point 108

Latest edition of The Point now published.


Point number 108 is out now and can be viewed via the link below:
The Point November Edition.

Spittal Calendars for 2024 Out Now


Calendars are on sale now at Spittal Food Store and Grieve's The Stationers in Berwick Town Centre. There is an "Old Spittal" version and a "Spittal Views" version. Prices vary. 

The Point 107

Latest edition of The Point now published.


Point number 107 is out now and can be viewed via the link below:
The Point October Edition.

Latest edition of The Point now published.


Point number 106 is out now and can be viewed via the link below:
The Point September Edition.

Latest edition of The Point now published.


Point number 105 is out now and can be viewed via the link below:
The Point August Edition.

Thank you for supporting Tea In The Park


A total of £1,445 was raised for Gardening Group funds.

Thanks also to everyone who donated raffle prizes and items for the cake stall as well as all the volunteers who helped on the day.

Thanks also to Karl Storrie for use of his van, Spittal Bowling Club, The Face Painting Lady and Kevin Shearer for the entertainment.

Tea In The Park


This year's Tea In The Park to raise funds for the Gardening Group will be held on SUnday 16th July in Seafield Park from 2pm-5pm.
There will be music from Duke, lots of cakes and goodies, tombola, raffle, face painter and stalls to peruse.

Spittal Seafield Park

July 16, 14:00 - 17:00


Free Tai Chi In The Park

Free sessions of a modified version of Taoist Tai Chi in Spittal's Seafield Park, Sea Road, weather permitting. Ideal for complete beginners as well as the more experienced. Starting on Friday 26th May at 10:30am, initially for 6 weeks. Please try to get to the park by 10:25am to register.

Wear casual clothes and trainers but bear in mind that even in May/June it can be quite chilly.

You will normally be notified by email the night before if cancellation is necessary, so please check your emails before leaving home.

You are welcome to contact me, Pete Barnes, if you require further information.

Email: berwicktaichi@gmail.com

Seafield Park Spittal

Fridays, 10:30

Keep an eye out for our dolphin visitors

Dolphins at Spittal Beach, Northumberland