Spittal Improvement Trust

About Spittal Improvement Trust

The Spittal Improvement Trust (SIT) was formed in 1998 out of concerns expressed by the local community with regard to the continuing decline in Spittal.

A comprehensive questionnaire was sent around the community which sought to identify the generally held views, Spittal Point and the future of its old industrial chimney seemed to be foremost in people's minds.

Initially SIT also included the Highcliffe and Eastcliffe estates, situated on the hill above the main village, but they amicably separated out after the first couple of years as they felt their agenda was largely different to the main village.

SIT's area of interest is bounded by the seashore to the east, the main railway line to the west, by Hud's Head to the south and Carr Rock and its Lifeboat Station to the north.

SIT's aims are to carry out project works in an effort to halt the further decline in our local facilities, improve the environment we live in and to raise community spirit by holding events.

Our current committee members are:
• Mau Watkins - Chair
• Robert Smith
• Ian Beresford - Treasurer
• Scott Weightman
• Mike Greener - Secretary
• Gordon Blackett
• Rhona Beresford
• Lynda Young

You too can play a role in the improvement of your community, look at VOLUNTEER page for more details.

SIT's aims are to carry out project work to halt the loss of existing facilities and to preserve the built and social environment. SIT also hold events throughout the year in an effort to raise community spirit.

We were instrumental in helping to bring a Children's Splash Park to Spittal. All the funding comes from grants and fund raising activities. Most recently we took on the lease of St Paul's Church and opened it as a Community Centre.

SIT has a number of well known annual events; Tea In The Park, Highlights Performances and regular Coffe mornings which are funded from local fund raising which goes towards our aim of enabling people to enjoy their environment and promoting well being.

SIT publishes a bi-monthly community newsletter called The Point which is written and distributed by volunteers; this newsletter deals with current affairs in Spittal and allows other organisations to publish their message, as well as featuring specialist articles, e.g. local history, spotlighting local groups and services etc.





Spittal Improvement Trust created

First Seaside Festival held.

Funding secured for the Spittal Splash Park,

Trust takes on a 5 year lease for St Paul's Church to run as a Community Centre for the village.

Recent Copies Of The Point



Happy Members



